Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Subpoena Power for the House Committee. Let the Games Begin.

The authorization provided for subpoenas to "secure testimony at a hearing, and to obtain documents from these individuals, as well as unredacted documents from the Department of Justice and the White House, pursuant to the Committee’s investigation concerning the recent termination of United States Attorneys and related subjects" according to a notice at the House Judiciary Committee website.

Subpoenas for the following individuals would be covered by the authorization: D. Kyle Sampson, Karl Rove, Harriet Miers, William Kelley, and Scott Jennings.

Earlier in the day, a staff member of Rep. Linda Sanchez, who chairs the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law that voted on the authorization, clarified that the committee was stopping short of issuing the subpoenas for the moment.

""We will not necessarily issue the subpoenas immediately," said the aide in an e-mail to RAW STORY. "We are trying what we can to avoid doing that, but this vote will allow for the possibility that the White House will definitively choose to stonewall and slow-walk the investigation." More on the story.

Read the Judiciary Committee’s press release.

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