Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Dickster has ties to warming the globe documents

Democrats are scrutinizing the role that Vice President Dick Cheney's office may have had in helping to manipulate global warming reports, according to Environment & Energy Daily.

"A House probe into reports that the Bush administration improperly edited federal climate studies took a new turn yesterday," writes Lauren Morello for E&E, "as Democrats focused on interactions between the White House Council on Environmental Quality" (CEQ) and Cheney's office.

Morello said the focus was on an April 2003 memo between former CEQ chief Philip Cooney and Cheney staffer Kevin O'Donovan that discusses a study by two "industry-affiliated" scientists who conclude that there is no convincing evidence of warming. "The study," says Morello, "kicked up controversy shortly after it appeared in the journal Climate Science, with three editors of the journal resigning" in protest of the study's publication.
More on the story.

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