Thursday, January 18, 2007

HardBalls starring Tweety "Potty Mouth" Matthews

Chris Matthews not interested in being the ‘big shit.’

He was “against this bullshit war from the very beginning.” Tonight, Hardball host Chris Matthews argued, “If you want America to be a hegemonic power in the Middle East, you’re out of step with the American people. We’re not going to fight it out with Iran for the next 30 years to see who the big shit — I’m sorry — the big name is on the block.”

On Imus, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews blasted the media for not covering the Iraq war. Matthews said that while people are still fighting and dying the Iraq, war “has been taken off television, and Bush must love it.”

Matthews said that most of the media was sold a bill of goods by the Bush administration, but that he’s been “a voice out there against this bullshit war from the beginning.” He added that Cheney was “totally wrong” about Iraq but still “talks like God on television, and we are supposed to believe every word.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Tweety is a dirty bird that's why he has a potty mouth. Now he's fighting for his job by turning on his friends as they get caught. He moved in to NBC by attacking Bill Clinton and the Dems as they lost control of the White House. He did his job for the GOP well by lying/spinning/blaming. He attacked Michael Moore for the truth of what Mike was saying. He covered up the crimes and supported full heartily the invasion then he defended the deaths of 3000 plus troops for the White House to continue to spread evil. Now he says he did not say that he was against it all along. The video tapes , his public speaking and his fund raising for the GOP tell it all. NBC will have to explain to the share holders what's a turn coat liar doing on the pay roll.