Friday, June 05, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Friday

Palin: Government wants to ‘control the people’ — (CNN) - Alaska governor Sarah Palin let loose Wednesday on the Obama administration for enacting fiscal policies that “fly in the face of principles” and “defy Economics 101.” — In a speech introducing Michael Reagan …

A memo to Krauthammer: President Obama's speech was not meant for you!
I know most of America understands this, but let me say it anyway.
President Obama's speech to the middle east was not meant for the neocon, warmongering fringe psychos like Charles Krauthammer. He was apoplectic on Brett Baier's show today on FOX because Obama's team didn't craft a speech that the AEI would approve of. It was meant to reach out to the Muslim population and try to repair some of the damage caused by war hungry neocon fanatics that got their wish under George Bush with disastrous consequences.
Kauthammer: The damage in policy was rather small. The damage to our position philosophically was large. On policy the speech was small because the speech was so abstract and vapid in self absorbed that it didn't touch on a lot of policy except on Iran. Here he was exceedingly weak, that was the weakest statement on Iran on Nukes in at least eight or nine years from anyone in the west....there was once again apologies over and over again. Apologies in moral equivalence....


Anonymous said...

Ya, Bil, I know, but I watched the Faux Nutwork on what they were saying about Obama, the Weasel said he apologized and was afraid to use the word terrorist, and talk about the War on Terror.

Then I was watching the non-Cartoon Nutwork news stations, and they were saying that he purposely did not use Terrorist, or War on Terror because the last regime beat the two of those to death.
And he is using new terminology to put a positve spin on it all.

*note the Gerbil speak for
Terrorist sounded more like Tourist.

Anonymous said...

Note on Krauthammer, when the Chicago Tribune layed off good staff(writers) and kept him, that is only leading to their demise.

SP Biloxi said...

Yes, I heard about Fox News rhetoric about Obama being apologetic. Fox News is just miffed because Obama will never drink the koolaid from Fox News Network unlike the Bush Administration. Being apologetic simply means that Obama is acting like a leaderwhich he should be. Leaders take personal responsibilities unlike the Gerbil. The Gerbil never was apologetic for anything. When the Gerbil kept saying that Bin Laden and Al Queda are hiding, it is suffice to say that Bush is doing the same thing as President of 8 years and now ex-President.

Anonymous said...

Obama is doing the right thing, we need to restore foreign relations, and we need to do so more than ever because we are in this quagmire in the Middle East and we need the surrounding countries to help us get out.
Obama knows we don't need any more enemies.