Friday, June 05, 2009

Nominations for USA sent to the Senate.

Remember these two? Top pic is Rachel Paulose was Minnesota USA appointed through Bush's Patriot Act who drew criticisms for her management style. Bottom pic is Alice Martin. Martin was the Alabama USA who is connected in the prosecution of Don Siegelman. Both of their positions are replaced. I'm waiting for USA of Pennsylvania Mary Beth Buchanan to be replaced and investigated in the USA firing scandal.


Office of the Press Secretary


Preet Bharara, of New York, to be United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York for the term of four years, vice Michael J. Garcia, resigned.

Julia Akins Clark, of Maryland, to be General Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations Authority for a term of five years, vice Colleen Duffy Kiko, resigned.

Tristram J. Coffin, of Vermont, to be United States Attorney for the District of Vermont for the term of four years, vice Thomas D. Anderson, resigned.

Ernest W. Dubester, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Federal Labor Relations Authority for a term of five years expiring July 29, 2012, vice Dale Cabaniss, resigned.

Jenny A. Durkan, of Washington, to be United States Attorney for the Western District of Washington for the term of four years, vice John McKay [ who was one of the 9 US Attorneys fired], resigned.

Paul Joseph Fishman, of New Jersey, to be United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey for the term of four years, vice Christopher James Christie, resigned.

B. Todd Jones, of Minnesota, to be United States Attorney for the District of Minnesota for the term of four years, vice Rachel K. Paulose, resigned.

John P. Kacavas, of New Hampshire, to be United States Attorney for the District of New Hampshire for the term of four years, vice Thomas P. Colantuono, resigned.

Christopher H. Schroeder, of North Carolina, to be an Assistant Attorney General, vice Elisebeth C. Cook, resigned.

Joyce White Vance, of Alabama, to be United States Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama for the term of four years, vice Alice Howze Martin.
On a side note: Jenny A. Durkan is the first lesbian appointed for U.S. Attorney and Preet Bharara, a Punjab-born Indian American lawyer, is the first Indian American appointed for U.S. Attorney.

1 comment:

PrissyPatriot said...

Alice is gone-good riddance the lil pug tart.