Friday, June 05, 2009

Anonymous Senate hold put on Harold Koh.

Notice that the Party of No are stalling appointments for legal counsel position. Dawn Johnsen is the other Obama nominee, for head the White House Office of Legal Counsel (OLC).


When Yale Law School Dean Harold Koh was nominated to be top legal counsel at the State Department, the right wing unleashed its hysteria, charging Koh of being an “transnationalist” who was bent on imposing Sharia law in the U.S. Now an anonymous senator has placed a hold on Koh’s nomination, a source told Talking Points Memo:

Koh, who if confirmed will serve as legal adviser to the State Department, was reported out of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about three weeks ago, but has languished ever since — a fact which, I’d imagine, makes him thrilled that he resigned as Dean of Yale’s Law School in order to serve in government.
Recall that before the committee vote, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC)
also placed a hold on Koh’s nomination. That delay only lasted a week.

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