Thursday, April 02, 2009

Uncle Ted now calling on Begich to resign.

Stevens needs to build a bridge and get over it and find a new line of work.


Yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder said that he was asking a judge to drop all charges against former Alaska senator Ted Stevens because of prosecutorial misconduct by Justice Department lawyers. In response, the Alaska Republican party today sent out a press release hailing the announcement and calling for the resignation of Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK), who defeated Stevens this past November:

The Alaska Republican Party further believes that current Senator Mark Begich should resign his position to allow for a new, special election, so Alaskans may have the chance to vote for a Senator without the improper influence of the corrupt Department of Justice.

The only reason Mark Begich won the election in November is because a few thousand Alaskans thought that Senator Ted Stevens was guilty of seven felonies. Senator Stevens has maintained his innocence and now, even the Department of Justice acknowedges it’s [sic] wrong doing.


airJackie said...

Charges dropped because of the misconduct of the Prosecuter not the fact Ted committed a crime. The voters made it clear as they knew Uncle Ted was a crook for a long time and this time he got caught. It's about the Greed and Power as now Ted is left to going fishing with Sarah.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Jackie, apparently the jury thought Ted was a crook and the voters did too. It was Bush's prosecutors that screwed the pooch.
When is Holder going to look at all the dirty messes down south?

KittyBowTie1 said...

Ted is a crook. Just 'cause some sloppy idiots were stupid with some paperwork doesn't mean he's innocent.