Thursday, April 02, 2009

McCain budget bill died in the Senate.


The McCain substitute amendment (a.k.a. the McCain budget) failed predictably on the Senate floor earlier. As with the Republicans' alternative stimulus bill, nearly ever member of the GOP voted to scrap the Democrats' plan in favor of a much more conservative option. The final tally was 60-38, with Sens. Collins, Corker, and Snowe voting with the Democrats. Sen. Arlen Specter, usually identified as a swing Republican, voted for the mid-recession spending freeze after having voted for a $700 billion stimulus bill intended to combat the economic downturn.

You can see the full roll call here.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

The bill went like McCain's re election. Look for a new Senator for Arizona, maybe Grandpa McCain will become a Lobbyist like former Senator Lott.