Thursday, April 02, 2009

Former AIG CEO Greenberg to taxpayers: Drop dead

In which in some words Greenberg was trying to say...


Here, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) asks the former AIG CEO whether he'd be willing to use a separate company that Greenberg has stocks in to pay back taxpayers for AIG's bailout. And Greenberg's reply: What money?

Also this:

Ex-AIG chief says problems 'not his fault'


airJackie said...

After 40 plus years of robbing the taxpayers why would anyone think they were wrong. Does anyone remember what it was like in 1968? So much has changed but this man is still living those glory days and will not change. Now he might get a surprise when those shares are taken by the US Govenment who is in charge as a major shareholder.

Anonymous said...

But if AIG did well he would say it was all because of him, and he would gladly take all the obscene amounts of bonuses etc he could.