Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The Party of No show up for press conference with no budget -- after introducing budget without numbers


More budget news to come, but in the mean time, here's Paul Ryan himself paving the way for the introduction of his budget, some of the basic details of which can be found here. Here is more:

Paul Ryan, Judd Gregg's House counterpart, has
a piece of his own in the Wall Street Journal. In it, he summarizes the bottom line of the budget (or the counter-part to the non-budget budget) he plans to release today. More on that very soon, but here's what to expect:

· A budget that nixes all non-military federal discretionary spending for five years amid a recession.

· A budget that deploys "more clean and renewable energy sources free of greenhouse opening exploration on our nation's oil and gas fields, and by investing the proceeds in a new clean energy trust fund, infrastructure and further deficit reduction.

· A budget that creates two tax brackets--10 percent for income below $100,000 and 25 percent for every dollar above that--and that cuts corporate income tax rate to 25 percent.
As this budget was supposed to be released a week ago, the House and White House are
already well prepared with talking points.

However, Ryan noted that their budgetless budget was "marketing stunt."


In face of all this criticism, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is now backtracking and admitting that last week’s budget
was just a “marketing” stunt. Asked by Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski if the budget legislation he’s introducing in the House today is “a little bit more clear than the one we saw last week,” Ryan responded by claiming last week’s budget wasn’t a budget at all, but rather just a “marketing document”:

RYAN: Yes. The thing you saw last week was not the alternative budget. This is our alternative budget we’re bringing to the floor today. […]
What was released last week was more of a marketing document. Not a budget. This is our budget.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Eric Cantor went to the right Circus Tour as this Circus Road to Recovery Plan just gets more dumb everytime they come up with it again. Now this wingnut is doing his best to pass this off as something. Where's the Republican Economic Adviser Joe the Plummer when he's needed. Look for another revised plan to come out next where there will be more pictures and crayons included.