Wednesday, April 01, 2009

'Mighty Michelle' wows London before G20 summit

On her first visit to Britain since husband Barack became US president, Michelle Obama dazzled London with her signature classic style Wednesday, leading one newspaper to dub her "Mighty Michelle".

The First Lady accompanied her husband to Downing Street first thing for breakfast with British premier Gordon Brown and his wife Sarah before the men discussed Thursday's G20 summit and the women visited a cancer care centre.

Later, she was to meet "Harry Potter" author J.K. Rowling when she sits next to her at a pre-summit dinner.

Michelle Obama's understated chic has injected a welcome dash of class into the run-up to Thursday's G20 as world leaders descend on London amid rowdy protests in the City of London financial district.

"A razzle dazzling performance from the mighty Michelle," was the London Evening Standard's verdict on her arrival.
Read on.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

No surprise there as she is who she is and that is the best. Now I noticed how smart Mrs. Brown is. Inviting JK Rowlings was a smart move and it shows the UK American children do read and the Obama kids like myself have read all the Harry Potter books. Mr. Kitty you should have read they Harry ends up killing Volermort in the end. Sorry I got carried away. TGCN did you or your kids ever read any of Harry's books? If not their great and I will never ever give mine away even if I have grand kids.
Michelle picked some really nice dresses and I was just wondering what it will be like when Michelle meets the French First Lady. The German President is in hot water as she got paid by Bush to allow kidnapped detainees of Bush's as the US used Germany to refuel the airplanes that were carrying these people to countries to be tortured.