Wednesday, April 01, 2009

DOJ will drop charges in Uncle Ted case

The Justice Department will drop all charges against former Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens due to problems with the prosecution. Attorney General Eric Holder was reportedly “horrified by the failure of prosecutors to turn over all relevant materials to the defense.” In a statement this morning, Holder said, “I have determined that it is in the interest of justice to dismiss the indictment and not proceed with a new trial.
Holder did the right thing. The lead prosecutor needs to have his law license suspended.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Yes SPB a first year law student knew this was a set put by the Justice Department to get Uncle Ted's charges dropped. One problem with the plan this time the Judge wasn't on the Bush/Cheney pay roll. The Prosecutor was to make the mistakes and have the Judge dismiss the case before the election. It didn't happen as the Judge kept doing his job. Now over and over again mistakes were found and still the Judge continued with just the evidence as the proof. The Jury clearly found Uncle Ted guilty on only the evidence presented not the extra lies and fake stuff pushed in by the corrput Prosecuter. Now Eric Holder is right to drop the case and not waste another dime on Uncle Ted. No matter what the court papers say 12 Jurors found Stevens guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Finally an Attorney General who brings back the Rule of Law. Welcome back Lady Justice it's been a long 8 years and we've missed you.