Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Palin lost her fight over state Senate Seat. Buh bye.

Palin drops fight with Democrats over state Senate seat - Tim Grussendorf's out. Gov. Sarah Palin just ended the standoff and submitted the name of Joe Nelson as her new appointee for the open seat representing Juneau in the Alaska state Senate.

Palin was required to pick a Democrat for the seat but Palin picked Grussendorf. Grussendorf just switched his party registration from Republican to Democrat the past few weeks to be eligible for the appointment.


airJackie said...

Sister Sarah's big mistake was coming out of Alaska for the rest of the US to see how stupid she is. Now Uncle Ted will most likely run for Govenor since he can't run for the Senate. He might try and go after the Senate Democrats seat but with so much going on the timing is bad. But there's always Sarah's job and he could give it a shot. If not then a Democrat will be the next Govenor of Alaka. Sarah will have to go back to selling her body or what's left of it.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Oh plaeezee. There's a Facebook group called Palin / Blago 2012, Go Crazy!

They would make the great team from hell.

SP Biloxi said...

lol Mr. Kitty. ;P

Palin/Plumber 2012