Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Kim Jung Il in Team America

North Korean leader, Jung II, in the movie Team America pwns Hans Blix character. Blix, in real life, was the chief UN weapons inspector.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I can say this because I'm among friends. I like Kim Jung no I don't agree with most of what he does but I do like him. His interest in the US should be the door that used for talks. Ok he's into this Nuclear Weapn stuff but who isn't. We have a different Policy and Kim's is a dictatorship. Over the pass 8 years we had some of that Dictatorship ourselves. Now the way he treats his citizens is a horror, but we should first look in the mirror at the US history and how we treated our own citizens. Change comes when people decide for themselves and not have other dictate to them. With US Republican Law Makers wanting to bomb even country that doesn't agree with us makes us not better then them. I've watched North Korea finally talk to South Korea and that was a major step. It's time to stop attacking countries and remember we're not perfect either.