Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Obama's discussion in Turkey; Live video

Obama's discussion will be live 12:20 European time and 5:20 am ET/4:20 am CT/2:20PT. Also, Yonja to webcast live discussion with President Obama. President Obama will hold a live and online discussion with university students in Turkey Tuesday, April 7, 2009 at 12:20 pm (Turkish Time) Be sure to watch the webcast live here! http://www.yonja.com/Obama

Theme:Listening and Leading: the United States in the 21st Century

Here is the live stream video from the White House website:

1 comment:

airJackie said...

For 8 years we're heard nothing put how Evil the Muslims are and even called Iran the Axis of Evil. US Muslims were attacked and harrassed. Even a Muslim Law Maker was attack by the GOP. 8 long years we were fed this hate and now President Obama says the US doen't hate Muslims. Even I find that hard to believe. Americans were brain washed and now it will take time to change that. Remember when the Civil Rights Bill passed some Americans didn't change it took a long time and even now some still try to hold on to the pass. What's funny is when people die their all equal in the eyes of God. So if you keep your hate your sure to go to hell. Try visiting a nursery and asking anyone of those babies do they have a problem with who's next to them. Visit a graveyard and read the names on the gravestones you'll see all races with no complaints. It's always in the middle of life that the problems happen.