Thursday, April 02, 2009

What a difference of this year''s G20 summit.

President Obama, Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi and President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev at the Heads of Delegation Family Group


Anonymous said...


Wow what a difference in the leadership of this country!

From a drunk imbecile, to an intelligent leader. There is hope.

I am sure the G20 is so relieved that they can finally accomplish something.

Anonymous said...

OMG, to think we don't have those embarrassing pictures coming back home anymore. Remember JR seeming to be drunk or talking with food in his mouth, the shoulder massage on Angela Merkel? The devil's horns thrown with the Queen?
Yes, we can hold our heads high once again.

airJackie said...

Just think what the private talks between the World Leaders as they talk about the last G-20 when Bush didn't even know what the G-20 Summit was about. I love the picture of the three smiling leaders.

Oh this is for TGCN and my cat Mr. Bowtie. I watched the TV show Life on Mars last night. Now the show ended with the main dude going into the year 2035 and the main dude said President Obama sent greeting on our mission to Mars. One person said it's good we don't have to worry about having another President. Now I counted from 2008 to 2035 and just think Obama would still be President and he'd be 74 years old and remember McCain is 72 and wanted to be President which would have made his age 76 if he lasted his term.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Jackie!

In hindsight we would have been better off if McCain beat W and W was never president, McCain would have been the lesser of two evils. Of course the evil head Ayatollah Darth would not have been in charge.

KittyBowTie1 said...

You're right about us being better off years ago if McCain beat W.

That's kind of like Illinois would have been better off if the former commie Green guy would have beaten Blago for governor.