Thursday, April 02, 2009

Breaking News: Blago's indictment could come today.

(h/t The Capitol Fax Blog)

The announcement will be made via press release only, which together with the court filing, will be distributed initially by email and posted later today on the U.S. Attorney’s Office web site at There will be no press conference.

Also, there will be no court appearances today – and none are scheduled yet – in connection with this matter. Court scheduling information will be provided when it becomes available.

Will post the press release with the court filing on the blog when available. Also this: Newspaper reports ex-gov is at Disney World.


Anonymous said...

All of us in Illinois are checking the Capital Fax all day, waiting, and waiting, will the wife and brother also be part of it?

Anonymous said...

psst...Capital Fax has 5:15 CT or West coast timte 3:15 PM for things to come down on Blago

KittyBowTie1 said...

16 felony counts

GO FITZ!!!!!!!!!!

Fitzmas in April!!!!!!!