Sunday, February 15, 2009

Rep. Cao caves to GOP arm-twisting


Earlier this week, New Orleans’ freshman congressman Joseph Cao (R) stated that he would vote for the economic recovery package. “I believe that more likely than not,
I will vote for it because the 2nd Congressional District needs a stimulus package,” he said. Even on the day of the vote, Cao was telling reporters that he was “leaning yes.”

When the vote occurred yesterday, Cao voted no, succumbing to the GOP’s pressure tactics. Politico reports:

Beforehand, Cao acknowledged that Republican leaders had put “pressure” on him to oppose the package, and the party’s chief deputy whip, California Rep. Kevin O. McCarthy, stood near Cao during the entire vote.

Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), the Republican whip, “said he had talked to Cao regularly, including the last 24 hours.” Cao emphasized that the leadership did not apply “extreme pressure,” however.

From Cao's vote on the economic recovery bill from the first round, He said bill unlikely to aid La. district. Read more.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Congressmen Cao should he would rather follow his Party they save the voters of his State. His district is one of the most needed places and the people picked him because he ran on the support of President Obama and the Stimulus Bill. I know it was hard for him because he supported the Bill up until the vote as he was being watched. He had Eric Cantor on his back for 24 hours. It takes a stronge man to fight for the people and Cao just showed he's not that man. Now he will see just how his Party treats him and their just ussers. I thought he learned after the comment about minorities was made that included him, but I guess he just wanted to fit in.