Sunday, February 15, 2009

Third affidavit of Blago impeachment probe prompt lawmakers to call for Burris perjury investigation.

Click on PDF: Burris affidavit.

This is Burris' third affidavit. It doesn't look good for Burris. Now,
Lawmakers call for Burris perjury investigation.

Here is the latest:

changed his answer Feb. 5 in a quietly filed affidavit. In a statement to us, Burris said he wasn't given the opportunity to fully answer the question before the House panel -- so he amended it Feb. 5. But a look at the transcript shows questioning specifically asked Burris whether he spoke to certain people in Blagojevich's inner circle. Burris was asked if he spoke with John Wyma, Robert Blagojevich, Lon Monk or Doug Scofield. Burris takes a moment to confer with his lawyer, Timothy Wright. He then mentions Monk. Conversations about fund-raising don't come up. In his new affidavit, they do. And he says he told all the people above about his interest in the Senate seat.

REPRESENTATIVE DURKIN: Did you talk to any
members of the Governor's staff or anyone closely
related to the Governor, including family members or
any lobbyists connected with him, including let me
throw out some names, John Harris, Rob Blagojevich,
Doug Scofield, Bob Greenleaf, Lon Monk, John Wyma, did
you talk to anybody who was associated with the
Governor about your desire to seek the appointment
prior to the Governor's arrest?

MR. WRIGHT: Give us a moment.

MR. BURRIS: I talked to some friends about
my desire to be appointed, yes.

REPRESENTATIVE DURKIN: I guess the point is
I was trying to ask, did you speak to anybody who was
on the Governor's staff prior to the Governor's arrest
or anybody, any of those individuals or anybody who is closely related to the Governor?

MR. BURRIS: I recall having a meeting with
Lon Monk about my partner and I trying to get
continued business, and I did bring it up, it must
have been in September or maybe it was in July of '08
that, you know, you're close to the Governor, let him
know that I am certainly interested in the seat.

Burris acknowledged having three conversations with Robert Blagojevich, who headed the Friends of Blagojevich campaign fund — and one of those was likely recorded by the FBI.

A source with knowledge of the exchange said there was some discussion about Burris possibly getting others to give or raise money on his behalf.

Not so, according to Burris: “I did not donate or help raise a single dollar for the governor from those conversations and would never consider making a donation through a third party.”

back on January 2009 on Justice League posting:

For the first time, Burris indicated that he asked Blagojevich's former chief of staff and college classmate, Lon Monk, to relay his interest in the Senate seat to the governor last July or September.

"If you're close to the governor, you know, let him know I'm certainly interested in the seat," Burris said he told Monk.

That testimony appears to differ from an affidavit Burris submitted to the impeachment panel this week in which he stated he spoke to no "representatives" of the governor about the Senate post prior to Dec. 26.

Here was
Burris' first affidavit. The affidavit said that Burris first learned he was being considered on Dec. 26, when one of Blagojevich's lawyers called him.

Burris took a couple of days to decide, then told lawyer Sam Adam Jr. that he would accept. Only after those two conversations with the lawyer did Burris actually speak with the governor.

Certainly, Burris can't keep his story straight. Looked more and more that the freshman Senator told a fib.


airJackie said...

I knew he was a snake. He rushed to get confirmed by using the race card and that always smells. Now I do feel bad for the people of Illinois as Burris could be charged with purjury and then get kicked out. Burris knew he spoke to G-Rod's brother but since Fitz never released the information Burris thought he could slip in without getting caught. He's a disgrace to the voters of Illinois.

I'm waiting to hear my Mr. Kitty Bowtie and TGCN about this.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Jackie--Fitz needs to say NEXT to Burris and fire up the perjury questioning.

Anonymous said...

Burris can forget about running for the next Senate election, unless the GOP imports another Alan Keyes type charactor, or even Alan Keyes himself.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Keyes can stay the hell out of Illinois.