Sunday, February 15, 2009

GM: Bankruptcy or More Aid

Secret files reveal NIU killer's past A former student who killed five people at Northern Illinois University last Valentine's Day had been 'drummed out' of the Army for hiding his psychiatric history and expressed admiration for famous murderers, CNN has learned... Steven Kazmierczak spent three years at Thresholds, a psychiatric center in Chicago, according to psychiatric records in the files. He enlisted in the Army in September 2001 but was discharged the following February for lying on his application about his mental illness, Army records state.

VA clinic warns of possible contaminant exposure Thousands of patients at a Veterans Administration clinic [Alvin C. York VA Medical Center in Murfreesboro] in Tennessee may have been exposed to the infectious body fluids of other patients when they had colonoscopies in recent years, and now VA medical facilities all over the U.S. are reviewing their own procedures.

1 comment:

KittyBowTie1 said...

Does the VA hire morons to work in its medical facilities? I am glad I already ate breakfast because I lost my appetite.