Monday, January 05, 2009

Israeli protesters against the Gaza war.

Amid cries of "Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies!" and banners reading, "Enough!" thousands of Israelis took to the streets of Tel Aviv on Saturday night to protest against the country's war on Gaza.
Protesters called for an immediate end to the Israeli attacks, in which more than 450 Palestinians have been killed and around 2,100 injured since air assaults on Gaza began last Saturday.
Organisers, a coalition of groups such as Gush Shalom, the Hadash party and the Coalition of Women for Peace, were encouraged by the turnout.
"We have experience from the last war, in Lebanon, and this time the public outcry is much quicker and much bigger," said veteran Gush Shalom campaigner Uri Avnery.
"It is a cynical war, for political reasons and people are very much aware of that."
Palestinian-Israelis who demonstrated alongside Jewish co-nationalists waved the Palestinian flag, as police attempt to ban such a practice before the protest was overruled by the Israeli high court.
Earlier on Saturday, about 10,000 demonstrators, predominantly Palestinian-Israelis, protested in the northern Galilee village of Sakhnin.
Many of the demonstrators expressed a desire show another side of the Israeli equation amid overwhelming public support for the current attacks.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Our right murder by Israel and even the lies didn't work. I watched NBC news who gave both sides. Now Richard Engal gave a good inside report from Palestine showing the woman/kids killed as another Reporter gave Israel side. It's was interesting as the Jewish people showed how much fear their in when one of the children was laughing while her Mother said all the kids were in fear. The other children acted out their fear but the camera caught them laughing too.
This Massacre should help the Middle Eastern countries learn a lesson they could be next for an invasion. Iran can now develope their Nuke as they have been threaten by both the US/Israel with being attacked and Israe has Nuclear Weapons to use. Cluster bombs are illegal and the US gave Israel a stock pile of them for future attacks on other countries.
We read about the Holocaust and Rwanda Massacre but we're seen the Palestine Hollocaust Massacre and the World did nothing.