Monday, January 05, 2009

SPB News for Monday.

Fallen Ohio Sec. of State Blackwell to be next RNC chair?

Yeshiva U: Nearly $100M Of Madoff Profits Were 'Fictitious'

Va. Governor Kaine to Become DNC Chairman — Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine will become chairman of the Democratic National Committee later this month, serving as the top political messenger for Barack Obama's administration even while he finishes his final year in the governor's mansion, several sources said.

Hoyer Says Don't Expect Stimulus Package Soon — Representative Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the House majority leader, expressed doubt on Sunday that the Jan. 20 goal set by some for getting a stimulus package before the new president could be met. — “It's going to be difficult to get the package together that early,” he said.

Is NBC going to help Coulter sell this book? … As Media Matters for America has noted, author and syndicated columnist Ann Coulter recently announced that she is scheduled to appear on the January 6 broadcast of NBC's Today to promote the release of her new book, Guilty: Liberal “Victims” …

World unites in protests Tens of thousands took to the streets across the world yesterday to protest against Israel's bombing of Gaza, writes David Leask. More than 5,000 demonstrators marched on Trafalgar Square in London. Hundreds threw shoes at Downing Street, inspired by the Iraqi journalist who showed the same traditional Muslim sign of disrespect to US President [sic] George Bush last month. More protested in cities across Britain, including Glasgow and Edinburgh, all demanding an immediate halt to Israeli air attacks on the Palestinian enclave and Hamas. Mass demonstrations took place in other major western capitals and across the Muslim nations of the Middle East.

Obama Inauguration: 1,300 National Guard soldiers, 11,500 military people for 'largest ever' security operation --Secret Service overseeing inaugural security plan, working with 57 other federal and local agencies --23 subcommittees focusing on issues ranging from explosives to civil disturbances to airspace Authorities are organizing what appears to be the largest security operation ever for an inauguration, bringing in thousands of extra police, agents and troops to handle crowds as President-elect Barack Obama is sworn in. Park Police are relying on a massive security force, including 1,300 unarmed National Guard soldiers, to detect problems. It is the first time in recent history that Park Police have sought military help at an inauguration, according to Chief Sal Lauro.

A President Forgotten but Not Gone By Frank Rich The last NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on Bush’s presidency [sic] found that 79 percent of Americans will not miss him after he leaves the White House. He is being forgotten already, even if he’s not yet gone. You start to pity him until you remember how vast the wreckage is. It stretches from the Middle East to Wall Street to Main Street and even into the heavens, which have been a safe haven for toxins under his passive stewardship... Iraq burned, New Orleans flooded, and Bush remained oblivious to each and every pratfall on his watch.
Last week had asked:
As Israel continues its air raids on Gaza and threatens to widen the conflict, the UN Security Council has called for an immediate end to the violence. Who is responsible for the current situation? There was a tie with two answers. Many readers answered either Israel or both Israel and Palestinians. This week's poll is now up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course on Jan 20th there will be more happy people, the end of the Darth Administration, and yes Europe is ready to work with someone who is workable, for lack of a better term.

I thought more than 79% would not miss Bush, that was lower than I thought