Monday, January 05, 2009

Blowhard News for Monday.

Cheney: Financial Crisis ‘Developed’ Only ‘Over The Last Six Months’ On CBS’ Face The Nation yesterday morning, host Bob Schieffer asked Vice President Cheney whether Americans were “better off now than we were years ago.” “I think we’ve done some very good things in the course of the last eight years,” replied Cheney.

After listing off policies that he claimed were accomplishments, such as No Child Left Behind, Cheney acknowledged that the Bush administration was leaving the incoming Obama administration “with their hands full.” But Cheney was unwilling to admit any real culpability for the challenges Obama will face, saying only that they are a “new set of problems.” Cheney even claimed that the turmoil in the financial sector “developed” only “over the last six months”:
CHENEY: That there’s no question about what the new administration, President Obama, are going to have their hands full with the new set of problems, if you will. Centered especially on the economy, upon the difficulties that have developed in the financial markets over the last six months.

George H. W. Bush: I’d like to see Jeb elected president.
Sunday morning on Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace asked former President George H.W. Bush about the possibility of his son, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush,
running for Senate. The former president expressed his hope that Jeb would run and then told Wallace that he’d ultimately like to see Jeb elected president:

WALLACE: In terms of public service and ability to help the country, you’d like to see [Jeb] run [for Senate]?

H. W. BUSH: I’d like to see him run, I’d like to see him be president someday, or maybe senator, whatever.
In an apparent reference to the
current President Bush’s unpopularity, H. W. Bush then joked, “I mean, right now is probably a bad time. We’ve had enough Bushs in there.”


Anonymous said...

Bush Sr. is delusional, people will have many years to recover from the last Bush, and long lasting bad memories,

airJackie said...

Daddy Bush looked for the Bush name to surpass the Kennedy name. It's an old thing that has eaten at him for so many years. It started with Prescott Bush who hated the popular Joe Kennedy and it's been going on every since.
Daddy Bush made it to the White House and then lost. He paid big time with the help of the Saudi's for baby idiot to get the White House, with Jeb giving Florida's electorial votes long before the election. It took idiot GW two terms to bring the US to the worse it's ever been and hated around the World. Plus GW brought chaos to the World and the Economy.
When Americans think Kennedy it's with pride and honor, when they think Bush it's disgrace and hate.
That's become the Bush Family Legacy but Jeb will get headlines as the criminal cases unfold and tell of his crimes.