Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Bush already packing up to leave the White House.

Don't forget your blankie and My Pet Goat book..


President Bush has repeatedly said that he plans to “sprint to the finish,” remaining active and engaged until the very last day of his presidency. However, it appears that he may be beginning to check out early. In yesterday’s press briefing, White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said that the President has already started packing his bags:

Q: Dana, how will it work around here — I mean, two weeks out — how did it work around here? When do boxes start coming out? When do you start putting things away? When do the — when does the First Family pack up and the moving vans come in? How does all that work?

PERINO: Well, you know how — the President’s style is always to be one that’s a little bit prepared early, and he and Mrs. Bush have been working to box things up. They didn’t come with a lot of things; they didn’t bring a lot of furniture here. So mostly what they have are books, obviously their clothes, and then some of the things that they’ve picked up along the way on their travels as they’ve traveled.


PrissyPatriot said...

Oh he better get packing...maybe the National Guard can help him leave the People's House LOL

airJackie said...

He only has the book My Pet Goat and some dirty clothes and drugs. Now I hope all the booze bottles get tossed out so the Obama girls wont find out the former President was drinking alot. Laura should be checked to make sure she doesn't steal anything for her new home that doesn't belong to her. Now the Drup Enforcement team will make sure GW gets all his coke/pot so people will never he he's a drug addicted.