Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Joe the War Correspondent.

Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, aka “Joe the Plumber,” is taking on a new job as a war correspondent. He is heading to Israel to cover the war for the conservative site Wurzelbacher said his 10-day journey will help explain why Israeli forces are mounting attacks against Hamas:
I get to go over there and let their “Average Joes” share their story, what they think, how they feel — especially with, you know, world opinion. Maybe get a real story out there.


airJackie said...

Only in America can an unlicensed plummber with a lean on his house become a none experienced uneducated Journalist. No need for kids to go to college for Journalism as all you have to do is be a wing nut for the Republican Party. Joe the Plummer can join Fox News with other make believe Journalist like insand O'Reilly, bartender Hannity and recoving drug/alcoholic Beck. Joe tried writing a book came out Dec. now it's at the 99 cent store he tried making a CD but it failed and next Joe will run for Political office. All this from a man who only asked Obama a question. McCain and Palin haven't returned their best friend Joe the Plummer's calls I guess the line is busy.

PrissyPatriot said...
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PrissyPatriot said...

Joe the Loser will crap his pants when he realizes how cheap life (including his own!) is in a war zone.