Wednesday, January 07, 2009

WH asked Howard to stay in Blair House to give ‘some plausible reason’ for refusing Obama.


Last night on MSNBC’s “Countdown,” Bloomberg journalist Margaret Carlson revealed that when the White House turned down Obama’s request in early December, it had not yet even invited Howard to stay at the Blair House:

I reported…on December 11 and 12 that there were no foreign dignitaries booked into Blair House during that period of time. … I have the feeling they asked him [Howard] to come and stay so that there might be some plausible reason for not letting the Obamas stay there.

She also pointed out that Blair House has “119 rooms with 35 bathrooms. Howard wouldn’t even have to share a sink with the Obamas.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

GW showed the World how his parents raised him without values, respect, honesty or manners. To hurt children is the lowest thing a person can do. To lie is something the Bush Family does. Bush has should the World what American Values mean and he has let the Christian Base see their representative of Christian Values. Nothing good ever happens to those who hurt children as Mr. and Mrs. Obama can handle it.
On Jan. 20th Americans will have a President who single Mother and Grandparents raised him with manner, respect and honesty to all.
Let's see how Bush's Christian Base can handle some one that even God would be proud of.