Saturday, January 03, 2009

Blago stripped of Homeland Security access.

Gov. Blagojevich's access to classified federal security information was revoked by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security after he was charged last month with trying to sell a Senate seat to the highest bidder, officials confirmed Friday.
Every governor is given such a clearance by Homeland Security to receive briefings on sensitive security information from Homeland Security and other federal agencies such as the FBI, said Amy Kudwa, spokeswoman for Homeland Security.
"Being the subject of a criminal complaint, no matter who you are, is a disqualification," she said.

Read on.
And it gets worse for G-Rod:
The Illinois House has moved up its consideration of the impeachment of Governor Rod Blagojevich to next week. They had been set to reconvene on Jan. 12.


airJackie said...

G-Rod will be gone soon. David Letterman had Bin Laden asking to bid for the Illinois Senate Seat that's how bad things have gone. I looked at Mr. Burris's record and it's good. I know he's a smart man and a lawyer and he was G-Rod's second choice as the first choice turned him down. If only Mr. Burris had made some calls to Senator Reid/Obama before taking G-Rod's offer. He might have been selected if he hadn't teamed up with G-Rod.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Burris got too anxious and now he looks completely obnoxious. He might have ruined his career.

Now, if Homeland Security could only strip Blago from having anything to do with the Illinois budget. He's more terrifying with the Illinois budget than the thought of bin Laden coming out of the cave.

KittyBowTie1 said...

P.S. Rep. Danny Davis was smart to turn down the offer. His career now looks better.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Hey Jackie,

Check Burris with Rolando Cruz in the Janine Nicarico case. If I remember correctly, Burris almost sent an innocent man to his death.

Anonymous said...

Well Burris' career will go south.

Blago is his new name on all the national news now. Oh, and sadly this is also making international news.

Just when we had something good like, a President come from this state, now this overshadows it and gets more coverage.

airJackie said...

Thanks for the information Mr. kitty. I've from Jersey and my Dad was a prize fighter so I knew at a very young age that Hurricane Carter was innocent but set up. All those old timers knew the players and yes it was about money also. Burris just take a chance with the Devil and lost.

TGCN I couldn't stop laughing with your comment about Burris's career going South. I didn't know about him and read your comments then I googled his bio. I think sometimes good people look at grabbing the brase ring as time is running out. G-Rod made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Now Burris is a lawyer and knew he was wrong but he's old and chances wont be coming around much for a man his age. Looks like that last stop for success on his grave marker will be empty. Don't worry about your States image because my State will soon take over as having the worse stupid none english speaking dirt bag Govenor of all time. Arnie's to busy showing off his priverts and looking to feel woman then running the State. Arnie doesn't wear underware at all and just is so sick and dirty I wouldn't shake his hand.

Anonymous said...

Jackie you are so funny talking about the Gropinator, no undies, yuck. At times incomprehensible English due to a thick foreign accent. lol