Saturday, January 03, 2009

Duck Soup cabinet scene.

If anyone remembered Groucho Marx in the classic comedy movie "Duck Soup," this video will remind you of the Bush Administration. Groucho Marx, in the movie, was the President of Freedonia [A fiction country]. Bush's Presidential Lame Duck Library should be filled with My Pet Goat books and load of videos of Groucho Marx's "Duck Soup" movies because this video that I found portrays Groucho Marx as George Bush as he presides a meeting with his cabinet:

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Thanks SPB, Duck Soap sooms up the 8 years of the Bush Administration. George W. Bush wasn't an actor like Groucho Marx, GW was just plain stupid. Glad to see all the Cabinet members in the film. Now let's hope a 4 year old can finish reading My Pet Goat to GW when he leaves the White House.