Saturday, January 03, 2009

SPB News for Saturday.

States seeking $1t to 'keep afloat'
Dem govs warn that with- out fed help, many states can't pay bills in next year.

GOP may block effort to seat Franken
Senator says caucus would resist attempts to swear in until court case done.

Repubs to flee DC for inauguration

Wright: All you need to know about Iran

Steel industry seeks US stimulus

Manufacturing index drops to 28-year low

Bush chides Hamas in radio address

50-year-old vets gets redeployed

Treasury finalizes $4b Chrysler loan

AirTran apologizes for removing Muslim passengers — WASHINGTON - AirTran Airways apologized Friday to nine Muslims kicked off a New Year's Day flight to Florida after other passengers reported hearing a suspicious remark about airplane security. One of the passengers said the confusion started …

Supreme Court asks to hear from Franken, counties before ruling on Coleman's suit — The Minnesota Supreme Court ordered (pdf) Friday afternoon that the campaign of Al Franken respond by 9 a.m. Saturday to U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman's Dec. 31 petition to start over on the current court-ordered effort …

SEC Said to Examine More Ponzi Schemes After Madoff — A A A — Jan. 2 (Bloomberg) — U.S. regulators working to untangle Bernard Madoff's alleged $50 billion Ponzi scheme are probing other money managers suspected of using similar tactics, two people with knowledge of the inquiries said.

U.S. governors seek $1 trillion federal assistance

Iraq Government rejects KRG oil contracts Iraqi Oil Minister Hussein Al Shahristani announced that the government rejects oil contracts signed by Kurdistan regional government with world companies as it is not sure of the contracts signature process, he said. In an interview with the Newsmatic, Al Shahristani clarified that the government cannot approve oil contracts signed between KRG and world companies without knowing the nature of these contracts and their process. He added that these contracts were signed without the knowledge of the Iraqi people and in the absence of Iraq's government.

Sources: Burris won't be allowed on Senate floor Tuesday The man tapped by Illinois' embattled governor to fill an open U.S. Senate seat will be turned away if he arrives for Tuesday's inauguration of new members, according to two Democratic aides. Roland Burris, Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's pick to fill President-elect Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat, will not be allowed on the Senate floor, according to the aides -- one who is familiar with Senate Democratic leaders' plans, and the other an aide to the Senate Democratic leadership.

The party's over as US government seizes control of Citigroup expenses The US government has seized control of Citigroup's staff Christmas party budget and set tight restrictions on the use of its corporate jet in exchange for its $45bn (£28bn) bail-out. The measures are among a raft of restrictions on expenses detailed in the small print of filing made by Citi on New Year's Eve with the US financial regulator, the Securities and Exchange Commission.

In Breakthrough, Franken And Coleman Agree On Counting Ballots
Overcoming a key sticking point in the Minnesota recount, the Al Franken and Norm Coleman camps have agreed that about 900 out of 1,350 wrongly-rejected absentee ballots -- a surprisingly high number -- will be counted this weekend.

AP: Obama Meeting With Congressional Leaders Monday On Stimulus

John Travolta's 16-Year-Old Son Dies After Seizure

Schwarzenegger Proposal Would Slash $1B In CA Prison Costs


KittyBowTie1 said...

For the 50-year-old getting called back:


Anonymous said...

The same GOP who cried Sore-Loserman during the Gore/Lieberman ordeal that was down to Florida. They need to get over it. The same mentality that says Obama is not a citizen is working here.

Manufacturing drops to a 28 year low......all the jobs lost, a new low every day with the W Administration, how far back can they take us?

Yes, some of the 50 year olds are trying to hang on until they can retire.....let's hope they make it.

Anonymous said...

Oh ya the steel industry, sigh all the jobs lost, all the vacant steel mills on the far south side of Chicago, all the steel business went to Japan years ago when they took scrap steel and made cars, parts, you name it.
They were way ahead of the game, what did the Steel industry do then? Ya, let all kinds of plants close after decades.

airJackie said...

I'm calling Hank for some of that free money before it's all gone.

I told all of you Arnie was a nut case now the prisoner will break out.

I read about John Travolta's son it's so sad. He did have health problems all his life but no one who bury their child.

50 year olds being redeployed well I'm over that age and if they send me I'm going right to sleep. Now if they sent me to Afghanstan I'd just start walking to Iran since the President of Iran answered my email. Let's say Baghram then flagr a ride to Iran visit the President and then the Supreme Leader take a tour and learn about the culture. Yes then I'd come back to the States when someone with a brain is running the country. I think the Middle East has the best history and you can learn alot. I guess I'm not into discrimination and let Obama I like to listen and learn and not dictate to others but show by example.