Sunday, August 24, 2008

Open thread for Sunday.

Biden's memorable moments:

In one memorable dig at Rudy Giuliani, Biden said, "There's only three things he mentions in a sentence -- a noun, a verb, and 9/11." (Watch video clip)

He also gave a hilarious answer to Brian Williams when he brought up the issue of Biden's "uncontrolled verbosity" and tendency to be a "gaffe machine." After Williams asked whether Biden would "have the discipline you would need on the world stage," Biden deadpanned a simple, one-word answer. "Yes," he said, as the audience erupted in laughter (
Watch video clip)

Last week's poll had asked:

The US has said its relations with Russia could be damaged for years because of its 'aggressive' actions in Georgia. Has the US-Russia relationship been harmed? The majority of readers answered yes. New poll is now up.


KittyBowTie1 said...

I forgot about the Yes answer from Biden. That was hilarious.

The Cat wants to know, what's different from Russia invading Georgia and the U.S. invading Iraq?

I can't something better to say, so we are stuck with:

How is that not the pot calling the kettle black?

SP Biloxi said...


There is no difference but tell that to the Gerbil. The clown President has some nerve to dictate to Russia to stop the war about Georgia and Russia whereas he will not listen to the American people when the American people want to the troop to come home.