Sunday, August 24, 2008

Blowhard News Report for Sunday afternoon edition.

Last week Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) told Politico that he did not know how many homes he and his wife Cindy own. “I’ll have my staff get to you,” McCain said. ThinkProgress noted that even though McCain’s comment highlights his poor record on the housing crisis and his economic policies that primarily benefit the rich, many in the media leaped to McCain’s defense, saying the gaffe was not “a big deal.”
Today on ABC’s This Week, Time Magazine’s Mark Halperin took the media’s McCain defense a step further, arguing that the fact that McCain doesn’t know how many houses he owns “is going to be one of the worst moments in the entire campaign” — not for McCain, but for Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL):
HALPERIN: My hunch is this is going to end up being one of the worst moments in the entire campaign for one of the candidates but it’s Barack Obama. […] I believe that this opened the door to not just Tony Rezko in that ad, but to bring up Reverend Wright, to bring up his relationship with Bill Ayers.

Pawlenty: Obama should have picked Petraeus for VP.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who is on Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) vice presidential short list, criticized Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) yesterday for his selection of Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) as his running mate. Instead, Pawlenty said that Obama should have picked Gen. David Petraeus, whom he considers “an outstanding leader and somebody who would better represent the mainstream of the country.” Petraeus is the right wing’s dream candidate. Earlier this week, the McCain campaign floated Petraeus as a VP choice, despite the general’s previous declaration that he has no desire to ever run for public office.

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