Sunday, August 24, 2008

King George blames Dems for high gas prices.

It's getting old, George. the Vacationing-in-chief blaming the Democrats for gas prices while they on vacation for recess. Pass the popcorn please...

CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) - President Bush on Saturday blamed the Democratic-led Congress for the high cost of gasoline and renewed his call for expanded offshore drilling to increase U.S. oil supplies.

"To reduce pressure on prices, we need to increase the supply of oil, especially oil produced here at home," Bush said in his weekly radio address.

Congress left for the August recess without a solution to fuel prices. In a bid to force a vote on offshore drilling, Republicans blocked Democratic proposals to use the nation's petroleum reserve, curb oil speculation and require oil companies to drill on already leased federal lands.

The president, who is vacationing at his Texas ranch, said Americans support expanded exploration of oil in areas that include the Outer Continental Shelf. The shelf is the shallow, sloping land that stretches for miles undersea between the coastline and the deep ocean.

New oil drilling is only allowed now in federal waters in the western Gulf of Mexico and off Alaska.

Read on.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Here's an idiot that didn't know the price of gas at all now he blames the Democrats. Look the Republicans gave Bush/Cheney the blank checks for 4 years without asking one question. We were told by the Bush Administration that removing Saddam the US would have cheap gas. Yes even Bush holding hands with the Saudi King and sucking up to him didn't get the US gas. Now let's see Bill Clinton was responsible for the recession and the Iraq invasion and now the Democrats are responsible for the gas prices. Just how long as Bush and Cheney been in office for Clinton to cause all these problems and Democrats doing their thing.