Sunday, August 24, 2008

Iraqis desperate for water.


Although the United States has spent $2.4 billion on Iraq’s water and sanitation sector since 2003, the United Nations “estimates that less than half of Iraqis get drinking water piped into their homes in rural areas. In the capital, people set their alarm clocks to wake them in the middle of the night so they can fill storage tanks when water pressure is under less strain.” Additionally, a billion liters of raw sewage is dumped into Baghdad’s waterways each day. The World Bank estimates that at least $14 billion is needed to refurbish Iraq’s water system.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

No problem we've got 14 Billion dollars to give Iraqis a clean water system and what ever else they need. We're the USA and we have money to burn as all Americans are living the American Dream.