Sunday, August 24, 2008

SPB News for Sunday.

AP's Ron Fournier may command speaking fees of up to $10,000 — The Washington Bureau Chief of the Associated Press, Ron Fournier, may command speaker's fees of up to $10,000 per appearance. — As of this writing, Fournier appears to be available for booking through the All American Talent & Celebrity Network's website.

Some in Clinton circle ‘outraged’ — (CNN) — Evan as Hillary Clinton praised the newly-minted Democratic presidential ticket Saturday, some in her circle are furious Barack Obama did not appear to give the New York Democrat serious consideration for the No. 2 spot, or even ask for her consultation on the matter.

Senator back from Georgia wants tough action against Russia Sen. Lindsey Graham said Friday that his visit to Georgia, Ukraine and Poland, at Sen. John McInsane's behest, persuaded him that the United States and its allies must take tough steps to prevent further Russian military aggression against its smaller neighbors. Graham, a South Carolina Republican, called on NATO to "stop war-gaming on tables in Brussels" and to begin military exercises in Europe to show its commitment to protecting member nations. Graham was joined on the trip by Sen. Joseph Lieberman .\

Algerian prisoner at Guantanamo Bay says he was waterboarded An Algerian prisoner [Djamel Ameziane] at Guantanamo Bay has accused his guards of using a form of waterboarding on him, his lawyer said Friday, marking the first allegation that the torture was used at the U.S. military base.

US puts up bin Laden 'wanted' posters in Afghanistan The United States is erecting billboards in Afghanistan offering hefty rewards for Osama bin Laden, Taliban chief Mullah Mohammad Omar and US Al Qaeda member Adam Gadahn Adam Pearlman, the embassy has said. Ten of the large Rewards for Justice boards were being erected countrywide, two of them in Kabul, embassy spokeswoman Corina Sanders said.

Oil Speculators Cost Consumers $31 Billion this Summer By Rep. Ed Markey On August 21, 2008, the Washington Post reported that the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has now learned that an astonishing 80 percent or more of oil contracts on the New York futures market are held by speculators. "Financial firms speculating for their clients or for themselves account for about 81 percent of the oil contracts on the NYMEX, a far bigger share than had previously been reported by the agency." At one point in July, a single foreign energy firm held 11 percent of all regulated NYMEX oil futures contracts for the purpose of speculation... Throughout the spring and summer, President [sic] Bush and Republicans in Congress thwarted attempt after attempt by Democrats to pop this speculative bubble and provide relief to consumers. Each time, Republicans sided with Big Oil over the American people. ...[A]ccording to my calculations, have resulted in additional costs for American consumers of $31 billion at the pump this summer.

Recession fear as economic growth hits zero --Gloomiest outlook since Black Wednesday The City was braced last night for Britain's first recession since the early 1990s after the government revealed that belt-tightening by households and business brought growth to a standstill in the second quarter of this year. Adding to the pressure on Gordon Brown to deliver a stimulus package to relaunch his administration, the Office for National Statistics said the economy had performed less strongly than it had earlier estimated. It revised down growth from 0.2% in the three months to June to zero.

Citizens Bank and Trust Acquires Insured Deposits of Columbian Bank and Trust (FDIC) The Columbian Bank and Trust Company, Topeka, Kansas, was closed today by the Kansas Bank Commissioner J. Thomas Thull, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was named receiver. To protect the depositors, the FDIC entered into a purchase and assumption agreement with Citizens Bank and Trust, Chillicothe, Missouri, to assume the insured deposits of The Columbian Bank and Trust Company.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Dumb and Dumber where in Georgia and came back wanting to attack Russia to show the US is strong. Two man who never served in the US Military even when we had the draft are now willing to send soldiers to attack one of the most powerful countries in the World. Yes this two men Lieberman and Graham who never served know we have a weak military and are willing to send our soldiers into an illegal attack knowing they will all be killed. Why can't any of this guys act like men and stop pissing in their pants when their told to serve their country.