Friday, July 18, 2008

Media’s lovefest with Teflon John and image.

For all those who favor just “letting McCain be McCain,” it’s not going to happen — not with this crew at least. They decide what angles he’s shot from (never from the left, he has scars from a bout with melanoma), and they make sure there is always some patriotic imagery in the background, no matter which direction the camera is facing.


airJackie said...

McShame is now like Judas nothing works. Everything the GOP does now backfires on them because Satan is on his way out. What's sad is all those so called Christians asking God to bless America have been following Satan for 7 years. Some things never change. God thought letting people stay in the dessert for generations would have taught them something but it didn't.

Anonymous said...

He's worried about scars?

Didn't they just throw another campaign advisor/manager under the bus and blamed the comment about America being a bunch of whiners on him.

Well a bunch of Starbucks going under, most of them by malls, in malls and by colleges, this is a sure sign the middle class is not hitting the malls and is not treating themselves to a coffee anymore, they have cut back even more. There were articles in the Chicago papers how people were laid off of their jobs during the Bush years and the only work they could find was Starbucks, you have to feel for these people who took these jobs at a fraction of what they were making just to keep the lights on and a roof over their head, you really have to feel for these folks.

Sadly Jackie, so many vote for the GOP supposid GOD ticket because the GOP are against abortion and same sex people think they are voting the GOP/GOD ticket when that is so far from the truth. They say they are against abortions, but they are for the death penalty and pro NRA?

Democrats are not the gung ho NRA group, and want a lot of regulations (go figure they want high powered assalt weapons banned,high powered machine guns and a lot of non hunting type guns regulated more....?)

So the really supposidly religeous think they are the right side of GOD by voting GOP? But it's ok to put someone in an electric chair and have submachine guns that can kill so many innocent people should some nut go postal.

Yes McCain left his wife for better or for worse, in her case for worse since she was recovering from horrific injuries from a car accident, left her that way with young children while he ran off with someone almost half his age,. this shows what kind of man he is, ya, really stood by his first wife for better or for worse, and some of the kids still don't talk to him because of the Fine upstanding thing he did to all of them.
And why isn't this all over the news? And his days of dating strippers?
NO but he is worried about scars.......geesh, vain, very vain, might get a picture of his bad side.....I am sure Falafel King and the Weasel will accomidate all of this for him when he goes on their programs.

Yes the America is full of whiners is probably right out of McCains thoughts and mouth, but someone had to be thrown under the bus for it, another sacrificial lamb.