Friday, July 18, 2008

Another shoe drops.


It seems that the White House is now bowing to a heavily coded timetable for troop withdrawals from Iraq. In a White House statement just released, we have this ...

In the area of security cooperation, the President and the Prime Minister agreed that improving conditions should allow for the agreements now under negotiation to include a general time horizon for meeting aspirational goals -- such as the resumption of Iraqi security control in their cities and provinces and the further reduction of U.S. combat forces from Iraq. The President and Prime Minister agreed that the goals would be based on continued improving conditions on the ground and not an arbitrary date for withdrawal.

Will shall see how long Bush tries to stall this one...

1 comment:

airJackie said...

No surprise from the Lam Duck President as he knows the Iraq President will work with Obama. Now even Iran is laughing as the White House is trying to cover their butts. Word from soldiers inside Iraq the US has been down sizing for a while now as Bush and the Media report lies.

Now for your information: Bush and friends are really backing Obama in hopes of a deal for the criminal acts done for the past 7 years. It's called every man for himself now and the Bush Family will do anything to protect the idiot, drunken and druggie baby boy George W. Bush. Cheney will pay his way to freedom. As for the rest of the group their own their own.