Friday, July 18, 2008

George W. Bush Sewage Treatment Plant renaming qualifies for November ballot.

The Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco has just recently submitted signatures to city election officials “hoping to place on the ballot an initiative that would rechristen the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant as the George W. Bush Sewage Plant.” SFist reports that the initiative has now officially qualified. From the Commission’s press release:
Officials at the Department of Elections announced today that the citizens’ initiative to rename the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant the George W. Bush Sewage Plant has qualified for the November 4th San Francisco ballot. Voters will decide on the measure in the general election alongside the presidential election, numerous statewide initiatives, and an expected 20 to 30 local measures.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Look for Sewage Plants around the World to be re named George W. Bush. Waste should be with waste, it's the right thing to do.