Friday, July 18, 2008

It's official: Fitzgerald said Rove was trying to fire him during the CIA Leak probe.

Click here to enlarge Fitz's letter to House committee.

Of course, this is not news to me. But, I am glad that Fitzgerald came forward to the House committee to tell the truth of what I suspected all along.

Back in June, Fitzgerald publicly
suggested he had more details to share with Congress about Rove's efforts to get him fired but he couldn't discussed it since there was a connection to the Rezko case. Fitzgerald said this after Rezko's verdict:

"If I owe a response [about the putsch to remove him from his job], I owe it to Congress, first," Fitzgerald said when asked about all this after the verdict.
Rove was trying to fire Fitzgerald to protect his Republican donor and friend Bob Kjellander. Rove was certainly not trying to protect Cheney and Libby. As you recall, I posted two unsealed documents from the Rezko case on the blog. Here is the info on Kjellander:

"Specifically, on about September 24, 2003, Kjellender received approximately $809,000 from Bear Stearns as a finder fee in connection with Bear Stearns' successful bid to act as book runner relating to newly issued State of Illinois pension funds. On or about October 2, 2003, Kjellender transferred $600,000 of these funds to [Joseph] Armanda [Rezko's business associate]. In a course of next week, approximately $450,000 of that $600,000 was paid out by Aramanda to Rezko assignees."
Of course, Rezko tried to cover-up his involvement in Kjellender's money.

The real question in my mind is where is the letter that Rove's lawyer said that he received from Fitzgerald that Rove wasn't going to be charged in the leak case? How come the media is not asking questions about the letter? Why isn't Fitzgerald or Rove's lawyer discussing that letter? More importantly, why was Karl Rove not charged in the leak case?


airJackie said...

One down another to go. My dime is on Gonzo stepping in to send that so called fax to Rove's ear ring Lawyer. Pat was just as surprised as the rest of us the next day.
SPB if I'm right I'd like a round trip three week vacation in Iran please. If I lose I owe you a dime. The words and direction of law still ring clear when Fitz said Karl Rove has 48 eight hours to get his affairs in order. Ask any law enforcement officer or anyone who knows anything about law to explain those words. You might ask any person in jail as they were given that same advise. Now you can bet Libby was wishing those words before Bush stepped in to end his jail time.

SP Biloxi said...

We shall see when the truth comes out. The key is that letter if and when that is revealed. There were alot more players that just Gonzo who wanted the CIA probe to be halted. The key to this mess is to retrace back the time in which Jason Leopold wrote that Rove was going to be indicted and six weeks later, Luskin claimed that Fitzgerald sent a letter that Rove wasn't going be charged. Given the fact that Gonzo was the AG at the time, Gonzo was nothing but a puppet in his position. He showed that in his testimonies to the Senate. Since McNulty was Fitz's boss after Comey resigned, I suspect McNulty in some kind of role into this since his department had to find a way to limit Fitz's power in the leak investigation.

The truth will eventually come out. But, that letter needs to be made public.

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt that Rove was trying to get rid of Mr. Fitzgerald, none what so ever. and Kjellender......ya he was one of the letters of the alphabet in the Rezko trial, and yet Fitzgerald is going full speed ahead against the Cook County Sheriff, Tom Dart. Ok, a lot of us in this City and State are not at all happy with that one.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Ditto on poor Tom Dart. That guy can only do what he can on what Urkel the Toddler gives him after his friends and family get paid.

What people should do is go to Urkel and DEMAND that his friends and family get kicked off the payroll and get adequate funding for the Cook County Jail.