Thursday, July 10, 2008

Unsealed documents in Rezko trial that referenced Obama and Blago.

Hat tip to the Sun Times. There had some much talk about Obama's name linked to Rezko. If you read page 17, this is much adu about squat. And by the way, Official A is Gov. Blago according to the unsealed documents.

Recently unsealed document referencing Blagojevich (footnote on page 49)
Recently unsealed document referencing Obama(starts on page 17)

Another footnote that I found interesting was on page 10 of the unsealed doc referencing Obama. This is about Robert Kjellender:

"Specifically, on about September 24, 2003, Kjellender received approximately $809,000 from Bear Stearns as a finder fee in connection with Bear Stearns' successful bid to act as book runner relating to newly issued State of Illinois pension funds.

On or about October 2, 2003, Kjellender transferred $600,000 of these funds to [Joseph] Armanda [Rezko's business associate]. In a course of next week, approximately $450,000 of that $600,000 was paid out by Aramanda to Rezko assignees."

Of course, Rezko tried to cover-up his involvement in Kjellender's money.
As you might recall from Rezko trial, Kjellender is alleged in a possible role of a plot in November 2004 to oust U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Carrie E. Hamilton dropped this bombshell to Judge St. Eve at Rezko trial:
“With respect to Mr. Ata, what I anticipate Mr. Ata would testify to would be that he did actually have direct conversations with Mr. Rezko about the fact that ... Mr. Kjellander was working with Karl Rove to have Mr. Fitzgerald removed."
Kjellander was never charged with wrongdoing in Rezko's case.

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