Friday, July 18, 2008

Waxman threatens to hold Mukasey in contempt over withholding Cheney’s FBI interview on Plame probe.

And I have gotten my question answered. Go Waxman!

Crooks and Liars:

He warns the Attorney General of a Scheduled Contempt Vote over Cheney:

The Gavel: “Chairman Waxman writes Attorney General Mukasey that the Oversight Committee will vote to hold him in contempt unless the Attorney General produces a copy of the report of the FBI interview of Vice President Cheney in the investigation of the leak of the identity of Valerie Plame Wilson, a covert CIA agent.”


airJackie said...

This is on of the few Law Makers I trust today. Waxman will continue to push for Justice and watch out after the election as Waxman will bring down the house in 2009. Now Pelosi will be doing her best to protect the Bush Administration and Diane Feinstein will have memory lost to her cooperation with the current Administration.
Musk Rat sold out the day he was appointed by Bush. Now the deputy fat boy is busy looking for loop holes or making up new laws to protect the criminals.

I hope Obama puts honest lawyers like Randall Samborn and Pat in his Office he'll need them. Obama wised up and ask Brother Bill to campaign for him even with some Democrats putting Bill down. Gore listen to the idiot Democrats and lost the election. Bill Clinton balanced the US budget, we had a saving in the US Treasury, strong Military and friends around the World and trusted by World Leaders. All that's gone now and we have to start all over again.

SP Biloxi said...

Yes he is. And Waxman will not let this go.