Friday, March 21, 2008

SPB News for Friday.

Guantanamo lawyer accuses U.S. soldiers of war crimes The military lawyer for an alleged 'al-Qaeda' fighter [15-year-old Omar Khadr] at Guantanamo Bay said Thursday that accounts of the firefight in which he was captured indicate some U.S. soldiers -- and not his client -- should be charged for war crimes.

Iraq to pay $2.5 billion to Exxon Mobil, BP, other top oil firms The Iraqi government is expected to pay up to $2.5 billion to five top oil companies to increase the country's oil output by nearly a quarter, a government adviser told Reuters on Wednesday. In what would be the biggest foreign involvement for decades, Baghdad is close to signing technical support contracts with BP, Royal Dutch Shell, Exxon Mobil, Chevron and Total... The ongoing talks have also given the five major oil companies a head start in efforts to bid for future oil contracts.

Cheney: 'Haven't seen' Osama bin Laden's latest Vice President [sic] Dick Cheney... was asked about the situation in Pakistan and about his reaction to the latest tape released this week by Osama bin Laden – "I haven’t seen the statement" he said of the al Qaeda leader’s latest communique.

Counter-terrorism building blueprints found in trash [LOL!] Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day says he is waiting for details on how the blueprints for the Canadian Armed Forces new counter-terrorism building to be based in Trenton, Ont., ended up in a garbage can in downtown Ottawa.

What is the real death toll in Iraq? The Americans learned one lesson from Vietnam: don't count the civilian dead. As a result, no one knows how many Iraqis have been killed in the five years since the invasion. Estimates put the toll at between 100,000 and one million. The British polling firm Opinion Research Business (ORB) asked 1,720 Iraqi adults last summer if they had lost family members by violence since 2003; 16% had lost one, and 5% two. Using the 2005 census total of 4,050,597 households in Iraq, this suggests 1,220,580 deaths since the invasion.


airJackie said...

The death toll in Iraq is over a half of million, with over 5 million displaced in other countries. Yes Saddam is said to have killed 20,000 people while the United States has killed 500,000. One could ask who is the worse murderer. With Saddam the Iraq people had religious freedom, lights, water, jobs, food and homes. Under the United States the Iraq people have little to nothing while their oil is being stolen. Al Qaeda was never in Iraq and now it's just a civil war caused by the illegal invasion. We talk about this the anniversary yet Americans forget we used 250 bombs in Iraq and only 3 hit the right target the others hit innocent men/woman/children while they slept. I don't think that's something to be proud of, but that's just me.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Well, I see Canada hires idiotic morons, too.