Friday, March 21, 2008

McShame's Race Baiting Fundraising E-Mail

Is John McCain running against Barack Obama, or running against Blackness?

So, a long time ago, as a goof, Yglesias, Capps and I signed up for McCainSpace pages. I picked BenevolentHegemon as my McCainSpace nick.

That, I soon learned, entitled me to endless McCain fundraising emails. Today I got an interesting one."My Friends," it read, "I am not running for president to be somebody, but to serve our country with honor. I seek the office of the President of the United States because I am as confident --"OK, stop right there.

He's not running for president "to be somebody"? What does that mean? Who says he's running for president to be somebody? Oh yeah, I almost forgot -- Jesse Jackson.
In (I think) 1971, Jackson wrote a poem called "I Am Somebody." Later, of course, Jackson ran for president. I have absolutely no idea if McCain is trying to sound some kind of dog whistle to the right -- "Black man running for president! A lot like that scary Negro!!!" -- but I can't think of any alternative explanation for that awkward, conspicuous phrase.
--Spencer Ackerman


airJackie said...

Again the Republicans are wrong the race for the Democratic candidate isn't over yet. Their making their plans to attack Obama but what if Hillary's the chosen one. I guess they could attack Bill Clinton because what can you say about Hillary other then she's a two term Senator from New York, with Foreign Affairs experience. Can't call her black or maybe they will.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Sorry, anybody who can't keep Al Qaida and Iran separate and has to get corrected by Great Grandpa Lickerman isn't somebody at all, but a nobody.