Friday, March 21, 2008

Judge Naughty: Too drunk to remember night at strip club.

This is what Judge Nottingham said in his divorce proceedings. And this piece tells you that Judge Nottingham was really naughty:

8/9/2007 9:57:47 PM

Judge Nottingham married his wife, Marcie Jaeger, on one of the most romantic days of the year – Valentine's Day 2004.

The marriage ended after Jaeger found credit card charges from a strip club in downtown Denver totaling more than $3,000 in two consecutive days.

In the couple's divorce case in Eagle County district court last month, Judge Nottingham was questioned about the credit card charges.

Judge Nottingham testified, "I'm ashamed and mortified just telling you that is the Diamond Cabaret ... a topless establishment."

Asked how he could have spent so much money, Judge Nottingham testified he could not recall, explaining, "I had had a lot to drink … and I don't remember."

9Wants to Know showed the transcripts to 9NEWS Legal Analyst Scott Robinson.

"Judge Nottingham had at least one lost night at the Diamond Cabaret and of course that goes to the question of whether that is acting with at least the appearance of impropriety," Robinson said, "contrary to the code of conduct for federal judges."

Judge Nottingham also testified about credit card charges for a Web site called

Jaeger testified that she originally thought it was a dating service.

"When I asked about the dating service he turned around in his chambers and he hit his computer and he told me all about the dating service," Jaeger said in court. "It was a porn site."

During his testimony, Judge Nottingham called Friend Finder, "A dating site – an Internet dating site."

When asked in court about a $150 charge to, Judge Nottingham said, "I'm embarrassed to be even talking about this. I think you pay extra to get certain features, such as if you upload a picture or – I don't even recall."

Under the U.S. Constitution, federal judges are appointed for life by the president of the United States. They are supposed to follow an official code of conduct, which contains this explanation:

"Public confidence in the judiciary is eroded by irresponsible or improper conduct by judges. A judge must avoid all impropriety and appearance of impropriety. A judge must expect to be the subject of constant public scrutiny. A judge must therefore accept restrictions that might be viewed as burdensome by the ordinary citizen and should do so freely and willingly. The prohibition against behaving with impropriety or the appearance of impropriety applies to both the professional and personal conduct of a judge."

According to Robinson, as a federal judge Nottingham can be removed from the bench only for high crimes, misdemeanors, treason or bribery.

And of course if the prosecutors can prove that Nottingham did have sex with any of the prostitutes in the Denver Sugar/Denver Player sex scandal, he maybe charged with a misdemeanor. Because Nottingham has several complaint filed on him on misconduct, the odds are that he will be removed as Judge [especially if the prosecutors charged him in the Denver sex scandal].


airJackie said...

Judge Naughty Nottingham isn't the only Republican doing his thing. The Rich and Powerful Republicans today can do anything and get away with it. Now personally I guess I've seen to much and men hiring prostitutes is old news and really it's their wives problem not the public. When I worked in the Municipal Court it was normal to see the prostitutes get find and the johns would pay either by friend or mail. Some men would come to court trying to hide their faces but I will tell you the cars parked out side the court those nights were very expensive.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Like claiming too drunk was like going to make that any better?

As if.

Kittybowtie, in Valleygirlese.