Friday, March 21, 2008

No Spitzer link to Brazilian madam case.

And here is the latest in the Brazilian madam case:

Thursday, March 20th 2008, 4:00 AM

Jailed Brazilian madam Andreia Schwartz is sitting in solitary because she refused to spill secrets about corrupt cops and firefighters - not because she has dirt on Eliot Spitzer.

"That had absolutely nothing to do with the Spitzer case," Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Dan Castleman said Wednesday.

"It was related to an investigation that is being done by the Official Corruption Unit that involves uniformed services. We had a tip. We ran it down. It was unsubstantiated."

Asked about Schwartz's desire to be deported to Brazil, Castleman said, "As far as we're concerned, she can go off to Brazil. Godspeed!"

Schwartz, 33, a brunette beauty busted in 2006 for running a million-dollar call-girl ring from her midtown condo, wants nothing more.

Her lawyer, Jeffrey Lichtman, said detectives offered her a green card to loosen her tongue - and she said no.

Lichtman also insisted investigators grilled Schwartz about Spitzer, who resigned as governor in disgrace last week after admitting he romped with high-priced hookers.

Lichtman wants to know why the investigators asked his client about Spitzer if that wasn't the primary focus of their interest.

"They went to see her behind her lawyer's back and then lied to the press and said she was cooperating," he said. "She has never been in a cooperation mode."
Lichtman has filed a letter with Schwartz's sentencing judge
Michael Obus, complaining that investigators have postponed her exit from the U.S. indefinitely.

Lichtman also pointed out that Schwartz has served far more jail time than the maximum she faced on the prostitution and drug charges.

In a telephone interview from the Bergen County, N.J., jail last week, Schwartz told a Brazilian TV station detectives tried to entice her into talking by offering her a way to stay in the country.

"I answered that I wanted to be deported," she said.

And notice that bit of news is not on the news. and I wonder what Ms. Schwartz will say when she returns to Brazil? This new piece of information is showing more of a case brought by the prosecutors falling apart.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I hope this young lady spills the truth and even let's Mrs. Spitzer know how the Feds used her to set up her husband. The lost of this great Governor is a lost for the State of New York. It shows how with the help of the Media the Republicans can lie on a Public Official and the public will rush to judgement. Now the reasons given to the Judge was Spitzer was using campaign money because these idiots didn't know he was a millionaire. One would hope they did know but just lied. I hope the Spitzer sue everyone involved.