Thursday, March 27, 2008

Court sets May 23 filing deadline in Siegelman, Scrushy appeal.

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — A federal court has given attorneys for former Gov. Don Siegelman and HealthSouth founder Richard Scrushy until May 23 to file briefs in the appeal of their 2006 convictions.
The Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday issued the filing deadline. Prosecutors have 60 days after May 23 to file a response. Defense lawyers have 45 days after that to file a second brief.
Siegelman lawyer Vince Kilborn of Mobile said he expects to file the first appeal brief in April. He estimated oral arguments on the case could be heard in late 2008.
Siegelman and Scrushy have been in prison for almost nine months. Siegelman was sentenced to seven years and four months, and Scrushy was sentenced to six years and 10 months.
Siegelman and Scrushy were convicted in 2006 of bribery and other charges in a scheme where Siegelman allegedly appointed Scrushy to an influential hospital regulatory board in exchange for Scrushy arranging $500,000 in contributions to Siegelman's campaign for a statewide lottery.
Siegelman also was convicted of a separate obstruction of justice charge on accusations that he tried to hide $9,200 he received from a lobbyist under investigation by saying it was an aide's down payment for his motorcycle.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

We know now the money that was given for the State Lottery was not given to Siegleman. As for the so called 9 thousand for the bike just who's kidding who with that charge. We see Scooter Libby lie under oath, leaking fake information and doing the crimes for Cheney as he was found guilty the President set him free. Spitzer uses his own money but the Feds charge his with the fake lie told by Roger Stone. An Attorney General lies to Congress under oath 71 times, Karl Rove committed more crimes then I can count and Bush/Cheney have committed TREASON yet the Feds see no problem with those crimes. That's something really work with this picture.