Thursday, March 27, 2008


Hooker bookers for the call-girl ring that brought down Eliot Spitzer are ready to open their little black books to make a deal with the feds, sources told The Post.

The flesh peddlers are poised to give up the identities of their well-heeled johns to federal prosecutors as part of plea negotiations, the courthouse sources said.

"[They] are trying to make the best deals they can and, if possible, cooperate with the government," said one source involved with the case.

The potential public humiliation is just the beginning - the likely powerful, wealthy johns could be in hot water if they embezzled or laundered money to pay for their trysts, the sources said.

The feds may seek help from Emperors Club VIP employees to determine who's on the operation's list of clients and how they paid for their "dates."

Any deal was characterized as all or nothing, the sources said, meaning that the defendants would have to rat out everyone involved with the international brothel.

Mark Brener, the 62-year-old alleged ringleader, has been locked up without bail since his March 6 arrest. His attorney began dropping hints of a deal two weeks ago.

But his mistress and alleged No. 2 in the $1 million prostitution operation, Cecil Suwal, was sprung from jail on March 18 and looks to be in a better situation.

Although she's just 23 and has no assets, she was released on her signature alone with a promise that her folks would post $50,000 by April 8. The feds originally sought $250,000 in cash or property to secure a $500,000 bond.

"To release her on bail at this point, the feds would have to either feel confident that she is not going to flee or that she is going to join Team America - and in this case, the latter is the more likely scenario," the source said.

Both Brener and Suwal face 20 years in prison on federal money-laundering charges on top of five years for prostitution charges if convicted. Suwal's lawyer, Alberto Ebanks, said, "I would not tell you if she was cooperating. That said, she is not cooperating."

The other two defendants in the case, Tameka Lewis and Tanya Hollander, who allegedly worked as bookers for the ring, are out on bail on prostitution charges that carry five years.

The bookers collected a 10 percent commission for arranging the trysts, and may have kept detailed dossiers on every client, sources said.

They could possibly be seeking a no-jail deal, sources said.

Investigators may want to see if clients broke laws in how they paid for Emperors' services, sources said.

For example, the unidentified "Client-4" in the criminal complaint was caught on a Jan. 27 wiretap in LA discussing his $1,605 date with the booker. He bragged how he would "get it past my accountant and auditor as a business expense."

That could violate laws against embezzlement or making false statements, sources said.

And meet Kristen "Billie" Davis:

Davis' lawyer, Mark Heller, last night said, "The rumor is that she has the largest black book in America."

He said his client is a former hedge-fund worker and graduate of St. Mary's College in San Francisco who is close to getting her master's degree in psychology.

"It's her belief that she's being persecuted because there are rumors on the street that she was ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer's personal Madame Butterfly and that she serviced an A-list clientele which included politicians, political contributors, major movie stars and directors, as well as the most prominent sports world figures," Heller said.

A spokeswoman for Spitzer, Anna Cordasco, said, "This is yet another outrageous fabrication."

A police spokesman - asked whether Spitzer was on Davis' client list - replied, "No."
Heller would not say whether the "rumors" are true.


Anonymous said...

Look these ladies are out of work, the longer they are out of work the more apt they will be to talk for money. Just wait.

airJackie said...

I think the Feds will take the deal to keep the names out of the news. Now here's what the idiots missed. Yes you can control and protect the Rich man in the US and hold Spitzer as the Poster Boy of Prostitution. But you can't control the international Press. I think if the US makes the deals the Brazilian Prostitute will release the names for the highest price. You can't stop the International News or the internet from giving the names. Roger Stone will have to answer to his Republican Party for this mess. Stone only wanted to bring down Spitzer, but as evil goes he has now opened up Pandora's box and it can't be closed.

Notice how no one in the Media is reporting about Roger Stone's group sex acts or even Republican Federal Judge Edward Naughty Nottingham who is still hiring prostitutes form his court computer.