Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Norman Podhoretz: ‘What’s a Kurd, anyway?’

<---Memo to Norm...


In his new Atlantic article called “After Iraq,” Jeffrey Goldberg recounts how in 2003, after an event on Kurdistan, neoconservative icon Norman Podhoretz, who is America’s foremost proponent of bombing Iran, asked him “What’s a Kurd, anyway?“:
Just before the “Mission Accomplished” phase of the war, I spoke about Kurd­istan to an audience that included Norman Podhoretz, the vicariously martial neoconservative who is now a Middle East adviser to Rudolph Giuliani. After the event, Podhoretz seemed authentically bewildered. “What’s a Kurd, anyway?” he asked me.


airJackie said...

Well that says it all. Kurdistan is a country and their are Iraq Kurds who want to have their land free from Iraq's Shiite and Sunnis. Now we know how little the candidates and their workers know about the Middle East. Not surprising as Bush doesn't know what countries he is visiting. One reason why Americans are losing is the Middle East knows more about the United States then the US knows about the Middle East. Education is power as is knowledge but now the Middle East has money to back up the education and knowledge.

Anonymous said...

And indoor skiing, yes in the desert.

KittyBowTie1 said...

If milk sits too long, ya got Kurds!

What a dumb ass. That guy needs to hand his paycheck back to the American people.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Correction, that guy needs to hand his paycheck over to Rudy's shag security fund--it's probably a better use of campaign donations.