Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Contraversy on Ron Paul's newsletters saga continues..


From Hot

The publishing operation was lucrative. A tax document from June 1993—wrapping up the year in which the Political Report had published the “welfare checks” comment on the L.A. riots—reported an annual income of $940,000 for Ron Paul & Associates, listing four employees in Texas (Paul’s family and Rockwell) and seven more employees around the country. If Paul didn’t know who was writing his newsletters, he knew they were a crucial source of income and a successful tool for building his fundraising base for a political comeback…

And this interesting info from a blogger:

One former aide that worked for Paul during the period of the newsletters was curiously left out of thid article, which is obviously trying to deflect all controversial content onto Rockwell to save Paul as best they can.

here is what Dondero said awhile back about these newsletters:

Eric Dondero Says:

January 10th, 2008 at 9:43 pmHere are the cold hard facts:

Who wrote the Newsletters?

Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell. From what I witnessed in my 12 years working for Ron, I’d say maybe 40% came from him in the way of scribbles (and I literally do mean scribbles) on a yellow pad, that was then faxed to his office staff in South Houston for editing and publication.I’d estimate that the rest – 50 to 60% was written by Lew. But when I say Lew I also mean his staff of Interns, which during that period included most prominently Jeff Tucker and Mark Thornton of Auburn Univ. in Alabama.

It was my general impression that Thornton wrote the bulk of the heavy economic stuff, Tucker the political stuff, Lew crime and race relations, Ron Paul anti-Israel/foreign policy.

As to the Production Team:

In the 1980s Nadia Hayes was Newsletter Publisher. Her assistant was Jean McCiver. Both lived in South Houston/Clear Lake area. The office was located on 1120 Nasa Rd. 1, Suite 1 (catty-corner from the NASA Space Center.)

The Newsletter itself was produced and printed by Marc Elam, Ron’s longtime Campaign Manager, out of Elam’s office on Fuqua, South Houston, very close to Hobby Airport.
Hayes was forced to resign in an Embezzlement scandal in late 1988 involving the Investment Newsletter and Ron Paul’s other business and political enterprises.

McIver then took over. She was assisted by David Mertz, better known as David James, a close friend and associate of current Ron Paul Campaign Co-Campaign Manager Kent Snyder. Both Snyder and James currently live in Northern, VA, Falls Church area.

For the period in question, early 1990s, post Nadia Hayes, David James, Jean McIver and Marc Elam were the entire Production Team and Editors of the Newsletters.

Lew Rockwell was more of a Contributing writer, and less Editor. But his writing, as I said before, constituted approx. 50 to 60% of the Newsletters.

All of this is general knowledge known by all Ron Paul campaign and Congressional staffers.

There are numerous individuals who can be contacted to confirm these facts, both present and employees of Ron Paul.

They can also be confirmed by Houston-area libertarians and Ron Paul activists.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Look Ron Paul was raised during a time when racism was ok. Now of course he has rooted racism and that is just part of who he is. Yes times have changed and Paul is trying to fit in to the way things are today. But he holds back on what he really finds as now he's running for President. He would love to have the minority vote so he like others will smile and say anything just for the vote. Look Bush said he would follow God yet he brought Satan with him not God. Ron Paul is bringing his friends along with him and they are doing their best to cover up the real Ron Paul until it's time to come out.