Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lawmakers try to stop Boeing sale to Saudis.

(h/t to Anon blogger)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers announced legislation on Tuesday to block a planned sale of Boeing Co bomb-guidance kits to Saudi Arabia and said they would urge the chairman of a key House panel to allow a vote.

Calling the Bush administration's plans to sell the sophisticated weaponry to Saudi Arabia "folly," Democratic Representatives Anthony Weiner and Robert Wexler said Riyadh had been more of an enemy than an ally in the war on terror. They have 51 co-sponsors in the 431-member House for their resolution to block the $123 million transaction.

But they acknowledged they faced an uphill battle, because the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Tom Lantos, has said he has no plans to schedule such a resolution for a vote, bottling it up in the committee.

Weiner and Wexler said they would write to Lantos, urging him to change his mind. Under U.S. law, Congress has 30 days to try and stop the sale, but if Lantos does not allow a vote, the blocking legislation cannot advance.

"I hope we can persuade our colleagues to give us that opportunity," Wexler, of Florida, told a news conference.

"On just about any level, arms sales to Saudi Arabians is folly and perhaps worse," said Weiner, of New York. Saudi Arabia has acted as an enemy, not a U.S. ally, he said, by arming terrorists, exporting terrorism, and showing no inclination to stand up for U.S. interests in the Middle East.
Administration officials said they believed they had sufficient congressional support for the deal to go through.

The proposed sale of the Boeing bomb-guidance kits to Saudi Arabia is part of a multi-billion-dollar package of advanced arms to Gulf Arab states that U.S. officials see as helping counter growing Iranian military clout. It was announced on Monday as President Bush visited Riyadh.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's government dropped its objections to the proposed Saudi deal last summer after securing U.S. military aid grants worth $30 billion over the next decade. Continued...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

McNulty to senate 2006
"The Government must go forward with the contracts and attempt to measure today the impact of Boeing’s fraud on the future"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

National Diet of Japan on January 10, 2008, Councilor Yukihisa Fujita of Democratic Party of Japan questioned 9/11 and Japans subsequent funding of the war on terror

Search youtube japan 911

airJackie said...

Look this deal with the Saudis was sealed by Dick Cheney when he was ordered to come to the Saudi King the day after Thanksgiving. If this deal doesn't go forward all hell will break out. No not war but the Saudis will call in their many loans given to the US. That's why the Saudi King is smiling so much he knows he out played the idiot US President and VP.

Yes I hear about what the Japan Councilor said about 9/11. He is right the 9/11 attack was not planned by Al Qaeda it was a plan by the US and the Saudis. Notice how wealthy the attackers family have gotten since their son's bomb NY. Yes the plan went well and for safety reasons none of the friends or GOP travel on that date. Now what was a clear view of the plan was how the attackers traveled without any problems even at the airport. Now a mother can't breast feed her child, but a terrorist walks right to the plane even when the buzzer goes off, he is cleared with no problem.