Thursday, January 17, 2008

McCain open to Lieberman as VP?

Two peas in a pod. Both overly saturated in the koolaid...


The Wall Street Journal reports that, in an interview with John McCain, he “did little to dissuade” the notion that he may select Joe Lieberman as his running mate. “He’d be a great partner in any endeavor, including joining America together,” McCain said in response to a question on the Lieberman factor. “Let’s reach across the aisle, let’s work together for America. That’s what Joe Lieberman is all about.” McCain has previously said he “definitely” wants Lieberman to have a national security role in his administration.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

McCain wants the Jewish vote so here we go again put Lieberman as VP. Now Lieberman has been Democrat, Independent and now Republican. He was on the ticket as Democrat VP now Republican VP. If Lieberman has his way and does get to be VP he will knock McCain out of the top job. Americans will see Isreal control the United States and will bomb most of the Middle East. Remember Isreal settled on their land in 1947 because they had no where to go as they ran from Germany and Hitler. Now as we see they have built up people in the US to get control. One might say the Jews are more dangerous then Al Qaeda as they don't have to come in the US their already here. We could be seeing the one enemy we never thought of right next door. I've noticed that in the 50's and 60's we didn't celebrate many Jewish holidays. Then slowly we started to close schools, banks and government for Jewish holidays. I asked why and the school said it was because their are more Jewish employees and it cost to much to replace them for that time. So as we see slowly Jewish people are growing with money to build their new country only question is it the US they want or the stolen Middle East land.